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SHRM SAV November Member Spotlight - Felicia Wentway

Sunday, November 01, 2020 10:13 PM | Deleted user

Felicia Wentway

Job Title:  Human Resources Director

Current Employer:  Southern Motors of Savannah

Why did you become involved with SHRM SAV Chapter?

I have long been a SHRM National Member. I joined my local Savannah Chapter to meet other professionals in my area and increase my knowledge and education in all matters of business in our community. Our local chapter provides excellent tools and resources for HR Professionals to network and do their jobs.

What is some of the best career advice you have been given?

"Felicia, listen more than you speak."
This is advice that carries well in all situations, but especially in Human Resources. In HR we have to be an "ear" for all employees and managers. It's a delicate balance to keep everything going and everyone happy; and listening is the key. When you truly stop and listen, often you "hear" what has been unspoken and get down to the heart of the matter so you can become a resource for those involved.

What are the words you work by (or what is your motto when it comes to the way you live your career)?

“Today is only one day in all the days that will ever be. But what will happen in all the other days that ever come can depend on what you do today. It's been that way all this year. It's been that way so many times. All of war is that way.” Ernest Hemingway

No, life and work are not a war, but every day counts. What happens tomorrow will always depend on today. We have to remember this now more than ever before.

Where do you find the most inspiration?

I get inspiration everywhere; from my co-workers, supervisors, friends, family and peers. I am most inspired by those who forge ahead when the way is difficult. 

Human Resources is not an easy career choice, especially in these very trying times. Seeing people who continue to be optimistic about the days ahead inspires me to follow that same path.

What do you consider to be your greatest accomplishment to date?

I've been very lucky and have gotten to do a lot of very special things in my professional life. But I believe my greatest accomplishment is what I have been able to give to others.
When I dropped out of college I was told I would not be able to get anywhere in life without that piece of paper. College is great, but it's not for everyone.
I knew what I wanted, but for me a classroom was not the best way to get it, I just couldn't wait to get to work! 

I worked and self-educated into the place I am now by sheer force of will! Because of this, I think I am able to see potential in some that others may miss. Helping others grow to their full potential and watching some of the careers I have helped to create has been wonderfully satisfyingly over the years.

Who has been the most influential person in your career?

My mother has been the most influential person in my career and my life. She worked hard to break her glass ceiling and rise far above where others told her she could go. She became a successful business woman, mother and wife, never letting any one of those areas in her life overshadow the others. After achieving much private sector success and running her own businesses, she went on to teach college courses in Management Skills and HR Management among other topics. 

Seeing her succeed and surpass even her own career expectations when I was growing up made me sure I could do anything I set my mind to if I persisted with honesty and integrity. To this day, I always seek her advice in professional matters.

What do you love most about HR? People, People and People!!

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