Every culture is born out of a foundation that supports healthy relationships. Unfortunately, many organizations are attempting to build cultures without helping employees develop skills to prevent the culture from sliding off the foundation. If employees fail to develop skills for minimizing the risk of confronting unconscious biases without treating the disease that undermines diversity, equity, and inclusion, the workplace culture will slide off the foundation. The Excellence in Race Relations presentation reveals the cracks in the workplace foundation that demands new skills for creating healthy workplace relationships. Participants will walk away with a renewed sense of purpose for building value beyond skin color to create a narrative for healthy relationships. They will fully understand their role in treating the disease that undermines healthy relationships to prevent the culture from sliding off its foundation.
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Donald Jenkins, MPDC, TEDx Speaker
Mr. Jenkins is the President and Co-Founder of the Purpose Development Institute (SHRM Recertification Provider) in Atlanta, GA. His research at the institute positions him as the nation’s leader in minimizing the growing threat of Purpose Deficit Disorders™ (PDD) in leadership development, employee engagement, organizational growth, diversity, equity, and inclusion. As a pioneer in Diversity Purpose™, Mr. Jenkins work has been featured in the Diversity Professional magazine. He is also a TEDx Speaker and author of several books including his latest, Building the Super Race handbook. As a Master Purpose Development Coach, Mr. Jenkins has trained, coached, and consulted C-Suite executives to plant floor employees on how to align their workplace impact with the highest growth potential. He is married to Dr. Lily Jenkins, Vice President and Co-Founder of the Purpose Development Institute. They have three kids Asia, Jordan, and Joshua and live in Atlanta, GA.